Successful signups

Having handled invalid form submissions, now it’s time to complete the signup form by actually saving a new user (if valid) to the database. If it fails, we simply fall back on the behavior developed in “Unsuccessful signups” Section.

The finished signup form

To complete a working signup form, we need to fill in the commented-out section in public/controllers/users_controller.js with the appropriate behavior.

Rather than render a page on successful user creation, we’ll instead redirect to a different page.


	['$scope', 'User', '$q', '$state', function ($scope, User, $q, $state) {
		$scope.saveUser = function() {
			User.create($scope.user, function(user){
				if ( user.errors ) {
					$scope.error_messages = user.errors;
				} else {
					$state.transitionTo('user_detail', {id:}, {
						reload: true, inherit: false, notify: true

The flash

Our signup form is actually working, but before submitting a valid registration in a browser we’re going to add a bit of polish common in web applications: a message that appears on the subsequent page (in this case, welcoming our new user to the application) and then disappears upon visiting a second page or on page reload.

To display a temporary message we use a helper called the flash


var flashHelper = angular.module('flashHelper', []);

flashHelper.factory('flashHelper', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
	var queue = [];

	$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){
		if (queue.length > 0) {
			$rootScope.flash = queue;
			queue = [];
		} else {
			$rootScope.flash = [];

	return {
		set: function(message) {


var sampleApp = angular.module('sampleApp', [


	['$scope', 'User', '$q', '$state', 'flashHelper', function ($scope, User, $q, $state, flashHelper) {
		$scope.saveUser = function() {
			User.create($scope.user, function(user){
				if ( user.errors ) {
					$scope.error_messages = user.errors;
				} else {
					flashHelper.set({type: "success", content: "Welcome to the Sample App!"});
					$state.transitionTo('user_detail', {id:}, {
						reload: true, inherit: false, notify: true


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="sampleApp">

	<script src="helpers/flash_helper.js"></script>

	<script src="controllers/static_pages_controller.js"></script>
	<script src="controllers/users_controller.js"></script>
	<script src="services/user.js"></script>
	<script src="app.js"></script>
	<header class="navbar navbar-fixed-top navbar-inverse" ng-include="'partials/layouts/_header.html'">
	<div class="container">
		<div ng-repeat="message in flash" class="alert alert-{{ message.type }}">{{ message.content }}</div>
		<div ui-view></div>
		<footer class="footer" ng-include="'partials/layouts/_footer.html'">


The first signup

We can see the result of all this work by signing up our first user under the name “Rails Tutorial” and email address “[email protected]

Filling in the information for the first signup.

successful signups 1

The results of a successful user signup, with flash message.

successful signups 2

The flash-less profile page after a browser reload.

successful signups 3

We can now check our database just to double-check that the new user was actually created

> require('trainjs').initServer()
> User.findOne({where: {email: "[email protected]"}}).then(function(data){ console.log(data) })
{ dataValues:
   { id: 1,
	 name: 'Rails Tutorial',
	 email: '[email protected]',
	 password_digest: '$2a$10$VgLZ04XOKg0TfWuJhJjWI.xXpyzEHp/uRjTKOMbSAAi3foQ04eBH6',
	 createdAt: Wed Feb 17 2016 23:14:35 GMT+0700 (ICT),
	 updatedAt: Wed Feb 17 2016 23:14:35 GMT+0700 (ICT) },

A test for valid submission

Before moving on, we’ll write a test for valid submission to verify our application’s behavior and catch regressions. As with the test for invalid submission in “Unsuccessful signups” Section, our main purpose is to verify the contents of the database.


describe('UsersSignupTest', function() {

	it('valid signup information', function() {
		var current_url = 'http://localhost:1337/#/signup';
		var string = new Date().getTime();
		element(by.css('[name="name"]')).sendKeys('Example User');

The test suite should be successful

~/sample_app $ protractor protractor.conf.js
Using the selenium server at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
[launcher] Running 1 instances of WebDriver

8 specs, 0 failures

Link demo